G2 ir jau ceturtā G klases digitālā fotokamera ar maināmiem objektīviem, kas atbalsta Micro Four Thirds sistēmu, kuras attēlu kvalitāte pielīdzināma spoguļkameru veikumam, kaut arī ierīcei ir bezspoguļa struktūra. Tieši pateicoties Micro Four Thirds System standartam, G klases kameras ir mazas, kompaktas un vieglas, salīdzinot ar tradicionālajām spoguļkamerām. Tiklīdz dienas gaismu ieraudzīja G1 - pasaulē pirmā fotokamera ar maināmiem objektīviem, kas balstīta uz Micro Four Thirds System standartu, G klases fotoaparāti kļuva ļoti populāri pircēju vidū.
Izstrādājot G2 un G10, Panasonic inženieri ņēma vērā visu iepriekšējo G sērijas fotoaparātu priekšrocības, piemēram, GH1 1920x1080 pilnas augstas izšķirtspējas videomateriāla ieraksta iespēju, un milzīgu uzmanību pievērsa fotoaparāta izmantošanai. Tādēļ G2 pirmo reizi pasaulē iestrādāja skārienjutīgu ekrānu ar automātisku uzņemšanas funkciju. Tas nozīmē, ka, pieskaroties kādam objektam LCD ekrānā ar 460 000 punktu izšķirtspēju, uz to automātiski tiek iestatīts fokuss un tiek nospiests slēdzis.
Uzreiz pēc tam, kad lietotājs būs LCD ekrānā norādījis uz objektu, ko vēlas iemūžināt, kamera automātiski sekos objektam, pat ja tas kustēsies, un nodrošinās pēc iespējas labākus apstākļus attēla uzņemšanai. Tāpat ar skāriena palīdzību var izvēlēties ne tikai laukumu, kur nepieciešams fokuss, bet arī tā lielumu. Turklāt fotoaparāts ļauj izvēlēties vairākus reģionus uz LCD ekrāna, kuriem uzstāda fokusu, tādējādi var iemūžināt fotogrāfijā veselu cilvēku grupu. Savukārt inteliģentais ainas atlasītājs automātiski iestatīs piemērotāko režīmu, ņemot vērā objektu, ko lietotājs norādījis LCD ekrānā. Piemēram, ja kameras īpašnieks ekrānā pieskāries cilvēka sejai, tad ierīce automātiski iestatīs portreta režīmu.
Savukārt G10 var uzskatīt par tikko kā izlaistā fotoaparāta G2 jaunāko brāli, kas apvieno gan teicamo attēla kvalitāti, gan vieglu lietojamību.
12,1 megapiskeļa Live MOS sensors, jaunais Venus Engine HD II procesors, ātrdarbības autofokuss, kā arī inteliģentās izšķirtspējas tehnoloģija nodrošina teicamu fotogrāfiju un videofilmu kvalitāti gan G2, gan G10.
Ierīces tiek dēvētas par radošiem HD hibrīdiem, jo ar tām iespējams uzņemt ne vien augstas kvalitātes fotogrāfijas, bet arī augstas izšķirtspējas videomateriālus AVCHD formātā. Kamerās iestrādāta arīdzan HDMI pieslēgvieta, tādēļ ar fotoaparātu uzņemtās HD kvalitātes filmas un attēlus vienkāršā un ātrā veidā iespējas aplūkot HD televizora ekrānā. G2 ir savienojams ar ārējo stereomikrofonu, tādējādi nodrošinot filmēšanas režīmu ar labas kvalitātes skaņas ierakstu.
Papildus augstajam sniegumam, fotografējot un uzņemot videomateriālus, G klases kamerās iestrādāts arī inteliģentais autorežīms, kas būtiski atvieglo fotografēšanu un ļauj izvairīties no nevēlamiem defektiem un kļūdām gan filmēšanas, gan fotografēšanas procesā. Tas automātiski izvēlas piemērotāko kompozīcijas režīmu un palīdz novērst roku trīcēšanas, fokusa vai apgaismojuma problēmas. Inteliģentajā autorežīmā iekļauta arī sejas atpazīšanas funkcija, kas automātiski uzstāda fokusu uz sejām, kas jau bijušas uzņemtas ar kameru.
G2 un G10 ir mākslinieciskas ne vien formas, bet arī funkciju ziņā. Tās piedāvā veselu klāstu režīmu, kas ļauj lietotājam uzņemt vai nu dabiskus, vai arī ekspresīvus attēlus. Fotoaparāts ļauj izvēlēties vienu no septiņiem iestatījumiem manu krāsu režīmā - piemēram, retro. Turklāt iestatītās izmaiņas var uzreiz aplūkot LCD ekrānā vēl pirms fotografēšanas.
Fotokameras aprīkotas ar putekļu novēršanas sistēmu, kas rūpējas, lai putekļi un citi svešķermeņi nepiekļūtu attēla sensoram. Tā ir aktuāla problēma visām fotokamerām ar maināmiem objektīviem.
G2 fotoaparāts ir ideāli piemērots cilvēkiem, kuri ir ieinteresēti mazā, viegli lietojamā fotoaparātā ar augstu veiktspēju. Jaunā kamera būs pieejama melnā, zilā un sarkanā krāsā. Savukārt G10 ir kā radīta cilvēkiem, kuri grib pāriet uz nākamo fotografēšanas līmeni, atstājot digitālās kompaktklases fotokameras pagātnē, tomēr vienlaikus vēlas padarīt fotografēšanas procesu pēc iespējas vienkāršāku.
* Pasaulē pirmā fotokamera ar skārienjutīgu attēlu uzņemšanu uz 2010. gada 7. martu starp fotoaparātiem ar maināmiem objektīviem un grozāmu LCD ekrānu.
**Vieglākais fotoaparāts uz 2010. gada 7. martu starp kamerām ar maināmiem objektīviem un skatu meklētāju.
DMC-G10 Specifikācija
Type |
Digital interchangeable lens system camera |
Recording media |
SD memory card, SDHC memory card, SDXC memory card |
Image sensor size |
17.3 x 13.0 mm (in 4:3 aspect ratio) |
Lens mount |
Micro Four Thirds mount |
Type |
Live MOS Sensor |
Total pixels |
13.1 Megapixels |
Camera effective pixels |
12.1 Megapixels |
Color filter |
Primary color filter |
Dust reduction system |
Supersonic wave filter |
Recording file format |
Still Image: JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.21), RAW, DPOF compatible |
Still Image with Audio: JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.21) + QuickTime |
Motion Image: QuickTime Motion JPEG |
Aspect ratio |
4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1 |
Image quality |
RAW, RAW+Fine, RAW+Standard, Fine, Standard |
Color space |
sRGB, Adobe RGB |
File size (Pixels) |
Still Image |
[4:3] 4000 x 3000 (L), 2816 x 2112 (M), 2048 x 1536 (S) |
[3:2] 4000 x 2672 (L), 2816 x 1880 (M), 2048 x 1360 (S) |
[16:9] 4000 x 2248 (L), 2816 x 1584 (M), 1920 x 1080 (S) |
[1:1] 2992 x 2992 (L), 2112 x 2112 (M), 1504 x 1504 (S) |
Motion Image |
Motion JPEG |
[4:3] VGA : 640 x 480, 30fps / QVGA : 320 x 240, 30fps |
[16:9] WVGA : 848 x 480, 30fps |
[HD] 1280 x 720, 30fps |
Type |
Live View Finder (202,000 dots equivalent) |
Field of view |
Approx. 100% |
Magnification |
Approx. 1.04x / 0.52x (35mm camera equivalent) with 50mm lens at infinity; -1.0 m-1 |
Eye point |
Approx.17.5mm from eyepiece lens |
Diopter adjustment |
-4.0 ~ +4.0 m-1 |
Auto eye sensor |
No |
Type |
Contrast AF system |
Focus mode |
AF mode |
Face detection / AF Tracking / 23-area-focusing / 1-area-focusing |
AF detective range |
EV 0-18 (F3.5 lens, ISO 100) |
AF assist lamp |
AF lock |
AF/AE LOCK button or Shutter button halfway pressed in AFS mode |
Others |
Touch shutter, Pre AF (Quick AF/Continuous AF), Touch MF Assist (5x, 10x) |
Light metering system |
144-zone multi-pattern sensing system |
Light metering mode |
Intelligent Multiple/ Center Weighted/Spot |
Metering range |
EV 0-18 (F2.0 lens, ISO 100) |
Exposure mode |
Program AE, Aperture Priority AE, Shutter Priority AE, Manual |
ISO sensitivity (Standard Output Sensitivity) |
Auto / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 / 6400 / Intelligent ISO |
Exposure compensation |
1/3EV Step ±3EV |
AE lock |
AF/AE LOCK button or Shutter button halfway pressed |
AE bracket |
3, 5, 7 frame, in 1/3 or 2/3 EV Step, ±2 EV |
White balance |
Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Halogen / Flash / White Set 1, 2 / Color temperature setting |
White balance adjustment |
Blue/ amber bias, Magenta/ green bias |
Color temperature setting |
2500-10000K in 100K |
White balance bracket |
3 exposures in blue/ amber axis or in magenta/ green axis |
Type |
Focal-plane shutter |
Shutter speed |
Still Images: 1/4000 ~ 60 and Bulb (up to approx. 4minutes) |
Self timer |
2sec / 10sec / 10sec, 3 images |
Remote control |
Remote control with bulb function by DMW-RSL1 (Optional) |
Still Image SCN mode |
Portrait (Normal/Soft Skin/Outdoor/Indoor/Creative) / Scenery (Normal/Nature/Architecture/Creative) / Sports (Normal/Outdoor/Indoor/Creative) / Close-up (Flower/Food/Objects/Creative) / Night Portrait (Night Portrait/Night Scenery/Illuminations/Creative) / SCN (Sunset/Party/Baby 1, 2/Pet/Peripheral Defocus) |
My Color Mode |
(Still Image only) Expressive/Retro/Pure/Elegant/Monochrome/Dynamic Art/Silhouette/Custom(Color/Brightness/Saturation/ adjustable) |
Burst speed |
H: 3.2 frames/sec, M: 2.6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) |
Number of recordable images |
7 images (when there are RAW files with the particular speed) |
Type |
TTL Built-in-Flash, GN11 equivalent (ISO 100 ・m), Built-in Pop-up |
Flash mode |
Auto, Auto/Red-eye Reduction, Forced On, Forced On/Red-eye Reduction, |
Synchronization speed |
Less than 1/160 second |
Flash output adjustment |
1/3EV Step ±2EV |
Flash synchronization |
1st. Curtain Sync, 2nd Curtain Sync. |
Hot shoe |
TTL Auto with FL220/FL360/FL500(Optional) |
Type |
Low temperature Polycrystalline TFT LCD |
Monitor size |
3.0inch / 3:2 Aspect / Wide viewing angle |
Pixels |
460K dots |
Field of view |
Approx. 100% |
Monitor adjustment |
Brightness (7 levels), Color (7 levels) |
LCD mode |
Off / Auto Power LCD / Power LCD |
Digital zoom |
2x, 4x |
Extra optical zoom |
Still image: Max.2x (Not effective with L size recording. Magnification ratio depends on the recording pixels and aspect ratio.) Motion image: 3.1x (HD/WVGA), 4.2x (VGA/QVGA) |
Other functions |
Guide Lines (3 patterns) |
Real-time Histogram |
Color |
Standard / Dynamic / Nature / Smooth / Nostalgic / Vibrant |
Black and white |
Standard / Dynamic / Smooth |
Others |
My Film1 / My Film2 / Multi Film |
Playback mode |
Normal playback, 30-thumbnail display, 12-thumbnail display, Calendar display, Zoomed playback (16x Max.), Slide show, Playback Mode (Normal/Picture/Motion Picture/Category/Favorite), Favorite, Title Edit, Text Stamp, Resize, Trimming, Aspect Conversion, Rotate, Rotate Display, Print Set, Protect, Face recognition Edit |
Protection |
Single / Multi or Cancel |
Erase |
Single / Multi / All / Except Favorite |
Direct print |
PictBridge compatible(Print size, Layout, Date setting is selectable ) |
USB 2.0 High Speed |
miniHDMI TypeC |
Audio video output |
Monaural Type, NTSC/PAL, NTSC only for North America |
Remote / External microphone input |
φ2.5mm. Remote control only |
Built-in microphone |
Monaural, Wind-cut: Off / Low / Standard / High |
Speaker |
OSD language |
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), |
Battery |
ID-Security Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 1250mAh) (Included) |
Battery Charger/AC Adapter (Input: 110-240V AC, DC Cable is required) |
Battery life (CIPA standard*) |
Approx. 380 images (LCD), Approx. 410 images (LVF) with H-FS014042 |
Dimensions (W x H x D) |
124 x 83.6 x 74mm / 4.88 x 3.29 x 2.91 in (excluding protrusions) |
Weight |
Approx. 558g / 19.68 oz (SD card, Battery, 14-42mm lens included) |
Operating temperature |
0℃ to 40℃ (32°F to 104°F) |
Operating humidity |
10% to 80% |
Software |
SILKYPIX® Developer Studio 3.1 SE QuickTimeTM USB Driver |
Standard accessories |
Battery Charger / AC Adaptor, Battery Pack, Body Cap, AV Cable, USB Connection Cable, AC Cable, Shoulder Strap, CD-ROM |
DMC-G2 specifikācija
-K (Black), -R (Red), -A (Blue)
Type |
Digital interchangeable lens system camera |
Recording media |
SD memory card, SDHC memory card, SDXC memory card |
Image sensor size |
17.3 x 13.0 mm (in 4:3 aspect ratio) |
Lens mount |
Micro Four Thirds mount |
Type |
Live MOS Sensor |
Total pixels |
13.1 Megapixels |
Camera effective pixels |
12.1 Megapixels |
Color filter |
Primary color filter |
Dust reduction system |
Supersonic wave filter |
Recording file format |
Still Image: JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.21), RAW, DPOF compatible |
Still Image with Audio: JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.21) + QuickTime |
Motion Image: AVCHD Lite / QuickTime Motion JPEG |
Aspect ratio |
4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1 |
Image quality |
RAW, RAW+Fine, RAW+Standard, Fine, Standard |
Color space |
sRGB, Adobe RGB |
File size (Pixels) |
Still Image |
[4:3] 4000 x 3000 (L), 2816 x 2112 (M), 2048 x 1536 (S) |
[3:2] 4000 x 2672 (L), 2816 x 1880 (M), 2048 x 1360 (S) |
[16:9] 4000 x 2248 (L), 2816 x 1584 (M), 1920 x 1080 (S) |
[1:1] 2992 x 2992 (L), 2112 x 2112 (M), 1504 x 1504 (S) |
Motion Image |
Motion JPEG |
[4:3] VGA : 640 x 480, 30fps / QVGA : 320 x 240, 30fps |
[16:9] WVGA : 848 x 480, 30fps |
[HD] 1280 x 720, 30fps |
AVCHD Lite |
[HD] 1280 x 720, 60p (sensor output is 30fps) (SH: 17Mbps, H: 13Mbps, L: 9Mbps) |
[HD] 1280 x 720, 50p (sensor output is 25fps) (SH: 17Mbps, H: 13Mbps, L: 9Mbps) |
Continuous recordable time (Motion images)* |
AVCHD Lite with picture quality set to [SH]: Approx. 180 min with H-FS014042 / Approx. 160 min with H-FS045200 |
Actual recordable time (Motion images)* |
AVCHD Lite with picture quality set to [SH]: Approx. 100 min with H-FS014042 / Approx. 90 min with H-FS045200* |
Type |
Live View Finder (1,440,000 dots equivalent) |
Field of view |
Approx. 100% |
Magnification |
Approx. 1.4x / 0.7x (35mm camera equivalent) with 50mm lens at infinity; -1.0 m-1 |
Eye point |
Approx.17.5mm from eyepiece lens |
Diopter adjustment |
-4.0 ~ +4.0 m-1 |
Auto eye sensor |
Yes |
Type |
Contrast AF system |
Focus mode |
AF mode |
Face detection / AF Tracking / 23-area-focusing / 1-area-focusing |
AF detective range |
EV 0-18 (F3.5 lens, ISO 100) |
AF assist lamp |
AF lock |
AF/AE LOCK button or Shutter button halfway pressed in AFS mode |
Others |
Touch shutter, Pre AF (Quick AF/Continuous AF), Touch MF Assist (5x, 10x) |
Light metering system |
144-zone multi-pattern sensing system |
Light metering mode |
Intelligent Multiple/ Center Weighted/Spot |
Metering range |
EV 0-18 (F2.0 lens, ISO 100) |
Exposure mode |
Program AE, Aperture Priority AE, Shutter Priority AE, Manual |
ISO sensitivity (Standard Output Sensitivity) |
Auto / 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 / 6400 / Intelligent ISO |
Exposure compensation |
1/3EV Step ±3EV |
AE lock |
AF/AE LOCK button or Shutter button halfway pressed |
AE bracket |
3, 5, 7 frame, in 1/3 or 2/3 EV Step, ±2 EV |
White balance |
Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Halogen / Flash / White Set 1, 2 / Color temperature setting |
White balance adjustment |
Blue/ amber bias, Magenta/ green bias |
Color temperature setting |
2500-10000K in 100K |
White balance bracket |
3 exposures in blue/ amber axis or in magenta/ green axis |
Type |
Focal-plane shutter |
Shutter speed |
Still Images: 1/4000 ~ 60 and Bulb (up to approx. 4minutes) |
Self timer |
2sec / 10sec / 10sec, 3 images |
Remote control |
Remote control with bulb function by DMW-RSL1 (Optional) |
Still Image SCN mode |
Portrait (Normal/Soft Skin/Outdoor/Indoor/Creative) / Scenery (Normal/Nature/Architecture/Creative) / Sports (Normal/Outdoor/Indoor/Creative) / Close-up (Flower/Food/Objects/Creative) / Night Portrait (Night Portrait/Night Scenery/Illuminations/Creative) / SCN (Sunset/Party/Baby 1, 2/Pet/Peripheral Defocus) |
Movie SCN mode |
Portrait (Normal/Soft Skin) / Scenery (Normal/Nature/Architecture/Creative) / Sports (Normal/Outdoor/Indoor/Creative) / Close-up (Flower/Food/Objects/Creative) / Low-light / SCN (Sunset/Party/Portrait) |
My Color Mode |
(Still image & Movie) Expressive/Retro/Pure/Elegant/Monochrome/Dynamic Art/Silhouette/Custom (Color/Brightness/Saturation/ adjustable) |
Burst speed |
H: 3.2 frames/sec, M: 2.6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) |
Number of recordable images |
7 images (when there are RAW files with the particular speed) |
Type |
TTL Built-in-Flash, GN11 equivalent (ISO 100 ・m), Built-in Pop-up |
Flash mode |
Auto, Auto/Red-eye Reduction, Forced On, Forced On/Red-eye Reduction, |
Synchronization speed |
Less than 1/160 second |
Flash output adjustment |
1/3EV Step ±2EV |
Flash synchronization |
1st. Curtain Sync, 2nd Curtain Sync. |
Hot shoe |
TTL Auto with FL220/FL360/FL500(Optional) |
Type |
Low temperature Polycrystalline TFT LCD with Touch panel |
Monitor size |
Free-angle 3.0inch / 3:2 Aspect / Wide viewing angle |
Pixels |
460K dots |
Field of view |
Approx. 100% |
Monitor adjustment |
Brightness (7 levels), Color (7 levels) |
LCD mode |
Off / Auto Power LCD / Power LCD |
Digital zoom |
2x, 4x |
Extra optical zoom |
Still image: Max.2x (Not effective with L size recording. Magnification ratio depends on the recording pixels and aspect ratio.) |
Other functions |
Guide Lines (3 patterns) |
Real-time Histogram |
Color |
Standard / Dynamic / Nature / Smooth / Nostalgic / Vibrant |
Black and white |
Standard / Dynamic / Smooth |
Others |
My Film1 / My Film2 / Multi Film |
Playback mode |
Normal playback, 30-thumbnail display, 12-thumbnail display, Calendar display, Zoomed playback (16x Max.), Slide show, Playback Mode (Normal/Picture/AVCHD Lite/Motion JPEG/Category/Favorite), Title Edit, Text Stamp, Video Divide, Resize, Trimming, Aspect Conversion, Rotate, Rotate Display, Favorite, Print Set, Protect, Face recognition Edit |
Protection |
Single / Multi or Cancel |
Erase |
Single / Multi / All / Except Favorite |
Direct print |
PictBridge compatible(Print size, Layout, Date setting is selectable ) |
USB 2.0 High Speed |
miniHDMI TypeC |
Audio video output |
Monaural Type, NTSC/PAL, NTSC only for North America |
Remote / External microphone input |
φ2.5mm. stereo mini jack |
Built-in microphone |
Monaural, Wind-cut: Off / Low / Standard / High |
Speaker |
OSD language |
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), |
Battery |
ID-Security Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 1250mAh) (Included) |
Battery life (CIPA standard**) |
Approx. 360 images (LCD), Approx. 390 images (LVF) with H-FS014042 |
Dimensions (W x H x D) |
124 x 83.6 x 74mm / 4.88 x 3.29 x 2.91 in (excluding protrusions) |
Weight |
Approx. 593g / 20.92 oz (SD card, Battery, 14-42mm lens included) |
Operating temperature |
0℃ to 40℃ (32°F to 104°F) |
Operating humidity |
10% to 80% |
Software |
PHOTOfunSTUDIO 5.0 HD Edition |
SILKYPIX® Developer Studio 3.1 SE |
Standard accessories |
Battery Charger / AC Adaptor, Battery Pack, Body Cap, |