issp Foto: Kai-Olaf Hesse, aus Depot_Bilder2009. gada 4. un 5. decembrī Biedrība ISSP sadarbībā ar Berlin Photography Workshops un Gētes institūtu Rīgā organizē Berlīnes fotogrāfa, grāmatu un izstāžu dizainera un pasniedzēja Kai-Olaf Hesse meistardarbnīcu "PHOTOWORKS PRESENTATION: SEQUENCE, CONTEXT & STRATEGIES OR HOW TO GET YOUR WORK OUT IN PUBLIC".
Darbnīcā tiks izskatīti priekšnoteikumi attēlu sērijas satura un dizainam, lai izveidotu šiem darbiem vispiemērotāko prezentācijas formu - projekciju, izstādi, grāmatu vai citu. Tiks apspriesti gan attēlu prezentēšanas tehniskie, gan radošie aspekti - temata izvēle, attēlu atlase un sekvences veidošana, un citi jautājumi kas saistīti ar autora darbu sekmīgu prezentēšanu publikai.

Nodarbības notiks gan grupā, gan individuāli, balstoties uz dalībnieku jau radītajiem darbiem.
Meistardabnīca paredzēta profesionāliem fotogrāfiem, fotogrāfijas un mākslas studentiem, cilvēkiem ar pieredzi multimediju jomā, amatierfotogrāfiem un citiem interesentiem ar pieredzi fotogrāfijas jomā.
Nodarbības notiks angļu valodā. Pieteikumi tiks pieņemti līdz 2009. gada 26. novembrim.
Jautājumus un pieteikumus lūdzam sūtīt Jūlijai Berkovičai uz Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt..
Vairāk informācijas par darbnīcu un pieteikšanos:

Oriģinālais teksts angļu valodā:
ISSP in cooperation with Berlin Photography Workshops and Goethe-Institut Riga presents:

A workshop by Kai-Olaf Hesse

2 days | 4-5 December 2009 | 10:00 - 18:00

The workshop addresses the prerequisites for the content and design of an image series, or sequence, which shall be brought together to come up with best possible form of presentation - projection, exhibition, book, or other - for the respective body of work. Beyond the technical requirements, the most decisive criteria for a successful presentation of photographs is the choice of the subject matter/topic and the corresponding structure of the images - sequencing - as well as the selection and design of the materials for the final set up.
The workshop will discuss possibilities and critical aspects in regard to the presentation of photographs on the basis of participant's ready works.

For whom?
A small group of maximum 12 students: professional photographers, students of photography and art, artists using photography, individuals with a multimedia background, interested amateurs and other interested parties with knowledge of photographic practice.
Each participant will bring a body of current (or previously finished) work that they plan to develop into an exhibition or a book/publication, to be discussed in course of the workshop.

Kai-Olaf Hesse is a photographer and works since 1996 also as an exhibition and book designer for publishers, museums, artists and other institutions. He has contributed to more than 30 book productions and also worked on several personal photographic projects which were conceived as and have later resulted in books. He has an array of international teaching experience, including recent workshops for photographers in Berlin, India, Singapore and Ireland.
More info:

Workshop Structure
The workshop will focus on developing both critical creative facility as well as understanding of professional production requirements among the participants. Group discussions will be combined with a possibility for individual consultation and critique.
- Introductory lecture on the contemporary photo book and exhibition scene,
- General aspects of presentation of photographs in various settings - introduction to content-, technique-, practice-, and theory related aspects of exhibition and book making,
- Discussing the theory-content and imparting of the technical framework (i.e. format, reproduction- and production processes etc.) for successful presentation of the participants' works.

Participation fee: 55 LVL / 80 EUR
Language of instruction: English

Send a short description of your photographers' background and the photographic project you would like to discuss during the workshop to Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt. by November 26, 2009. It will be even more helpful if you send a couple of small format photos from the project.
NB! For former ISSP participants its enough to only send information on the photo project you would like to discuss. Confirmed participants will have to transfer an advance of the fee.
* We need a minimum of 7 participants for the course to take place.

If you have questions, contact Julija Berkovica at Šī e-pasta adrese ir aizsargāta no mēstuļu robotiem. Pārlūkprogrammai ir jābūt ieslēgtam JavaScript atbalstam, lai varētu to apskatīt. or +371 29711721

The workshop will take place at Goethe Institute in Riga, Torna iela 1.